How long have you been attempting to overcome obesity? So many people focus on diets to solve their weight problem, but this doesn't get you anywhere. How is it possible to find a cure when you aren't aware of the cause?
Our society doesn't really understand obesity at all. For many years, nutritionists and researchers have been searching and failing to find the medical cause of obesity. The cause of obesity was hidden, resulting in horrible injustice against those who are overweight as society turned to the following myth for an answer:
Myth #1
Obesity is caused only by overeating.
Though it was widespread, British doctor ATW Simeons believed that this myth was not acceptable as a medical explanation for obesity. Simeons believed that obesity was not caused by overeating; rather, overeating was caused by obesity.
The statements or "maxims" below come from doctor ATW Simeons' book Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity. They show how his beliefs about obesity helped his research. With these maxims, doctor Simeons made the breakthroughs that led to the HCG diet and eventually HCG drops.
Maxim #1
Obesity is not a behavior but a disorder.
Disorders occur when an organ or other body part no longer works like it should. So there is a definite organ that causes obesity when it fails.
Maxim #2
Obesity is the only thing that causes abnormal fat buildup.
Only a limited amount of weight can be gained unless you are lucky enough to have the obesity disorder. The moment obesity begins, your fat limits disappear and unusually large fat stores start to build up.
Maxim #3
Eating by itself does not cause obesity. Rather, obesity causes overeating.
Sudden, intense cravings strike at obese people because they have the obesity disorder, not because they are greedy. The psychological disorder of compulsive eating is entirely different—it's, well, psychological. Obesityhas physical causes. An obese body is bigger than a normal one, and it takes more calories to keep up. By experience, your body knows that sugar provides the most fuel in the least amount of time. Therefore, it sends signals generating a desire for that kind of food.
Maxim #4
Regardless of how little (or how much) you eat, if you have the obesity disorder, you will not be skinny.
Obesity is caused by a failure in the body. No matter what you do or don't eat, your body will not be working right. It directs as much as possible into your stored fat supply, and shuts them tight.
Maxim #5
Regardless of how much you eat, if you do not have the disorder of obesity, you will not become obese.
We've all known people who can gorge themselves without getting fat. Those are the lucky ones who haven't gotten the obesity disorder.
The Truth Behind Obesity
As an obese person, you've felt the weight of society's injustice against you. But armed with the information in this article, you can forget all that. Your cravings and weight gain can be blamed squarely on the disorder of obesity.
These truths have given us more than a wonderful insight—they've given us a possible cure for obesity itself. The HCG diet came from Dr. Simeons' investigations into how to fix obesity. HCG works on the part of the body that causes obesity—the diencephalon, within your brain. Losing weight finally becomes do-able when you take HCG to fix the cause of your troubles: the diencephalon.
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