29 December 2010

HCG Weight Loss Drops - Works for Your Last 15 Pounds

HCG weight loss drops are incredibly popular right now and have helped many people lose weight. Reports indicate that you could lose as much as 30 pounds in a single month, something that would otherwise be impossible without dangerous surgery. All you have to do is take the sublingual ("under the tongue") HCG weight loss drops three times per day, which makes it easy to follow the accompanying diet. By doing this you could lose those last 10 pounds or even 100 pounds much more quickly than any other dieting method out there.

HCG is a hormone found solely in pregnant women and is the same hormone detected by a regular home pregnancy test. Research by Dr. ATW Simeons over fifty years ago revealed that HCG weight loss drops release your stored fat and reset your hypothalamus gland so you can lose weight fast and keep it off long term.

Consider This Diet Before Surgery

If you've reached the point where you're considering risky surgery to lose weight, HCG weight loss drops are a better alternative. Advantages include no doctors, no scars, and no long recoveries, making HCG much less risky. Injections are another invasive procedure you can avoid with HCG drops. You don't need for a prescription, and there is no scary injection.

Losing Those Last 10 Pounds

Some people have been able to lose a certain amount of weight, but have a stubborn pocket of 10 or 15 pounds that won't leave. Others have just begun to gain weight and want to lose it before it get worse. These people can do a quick 21 day version of the HCG drops protocol and lose that weight fast. Even more weight can be lost with a longer course, up to six weeks in duration. Additional courses of HCG treatment can be started later if you need to lose more than 40 pounds.

Have You Tried Everything?

Another kind of people that can benefit from HCG weight loss drops are those who are depressed about past dieting attempts. Some people have tried essentially everything to lose weight but still can't seem to succeed. HCG weight loss drops have proven to be very helpful for such people.

It is worth saying that you are required to follow a specific diet while taking HCG drops if you want to be successful. The diet is made up of 500 calories per day of meat, veggies, fruit, and starch. Thanks to the way HCG weight loss drops direct your body to burn fat and use it to flood your blood stream with nutrients, you should not feel extreme hunger while on this calorie-restricted diet. Many people say they have no hunger at all, and some can't even eat the allowed 500 calories.

16 December 2010

The HCG Diet - Doctor ATW Simeons' Cure for Obesity

How long have you been attempting to overcome obesity? So many people focus on diets to solve their weight problem, but this doesn't get you anywhere. How is it possible to find a cure when you aren't aware of the cause?

Our society doesn't really understand obesity at all. For many years, nutritionists and researchers have been searching and failing to find the medical cause of obesity. The cause of obesity was hidden, resulting in horrible injustice against those who are overweight as society turned to the following myth for an answer:

Myth #1

Obesity is caused only by overeating.

Though it was widespread, British doctor ATW Simeons believed that this myth was not acceptable as a medical explanation for obesity. Simeons believed that obesity was not caused by overeating; rather, overeating was caused by obesity.

The statements or "maxims" below come from doctor ATW Simeons' book Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity. They show how his beliefs about obesity helped his research. With these maxims, doctor Simeons made the breakthroughs that led to the HCG diet and eventually HCG drops.

Maxim #1

Obesity is not a behavior but a disorder.

Disorders occur when an organ or other body part no longer works like it should. So there is a definite organ that causes obesity when it fails.

Maxim #2

Obesity is the only thing that causes abnormal fat buildup.

Only a limited amount of weight can be gained unless you are lucky enough to have the obesity disorder. The moment obesity begins, your fat limits disappear and unusually large fat stores start to build up.

Maxim #3

Eating by itself does not cause obesity. Rather, obesity causes overeating.

Sudden, intense cravings strike at obese people because they have the obesity disorder, not because they are greedy. The psychological disorder of compulsive eating is entirely different—it's, well, psychological. Obesityhas physical causes. An obese body is bigger than a normal one, and it takes more calories to keep up. By experience, your body knows that sugar provides the most fuel in the least amount of time. Therefore, it sends signals generating a desire for that kind of food.

Maxim #4

Regardless of how little (or how much) you eat, if you have the obesity disorder, you will not be skinny.

Obesity is caused by a failure in the body. No matter what you do or don't eat, your body will not be working right. It directs as much as possible into your stored fat supply, and shuts them tight.

Maxim #5

Regardless of how much you eat, if you do not have the disorder of obesity, you will not become obese.

We've all known people who can gorge themselves without getting fat. Those are the lucky ones who haven't gotten the obesity disorder.

The Truth Behind Obesity

As an obese person, you've felt the weight of society's injustice against you. But armed with the information in this article, you can forget all that. Your cravings and weight gain can be blamed squarely on the disorder of obesity.

These truths have given us more than a wonderful insight—they've given us a possible cure for obesity itself. The HCG diet came from Dr. Simeons' investigations into how to fix obesity. HCG works on the part of the body that causes obesity—the diencephalon, within your brain. Losing weight finally becomes do-able when you take HCG to fix the cause of your troubles: the diencephalon.

10 December 2010

HCG Drops Aren't a Sex Hormone (Are They?)

The primary source of HCG, also called human chorionic gonadotropin, comes from women during pregnancy. HCG drops are wildly popular among dieters, and they have HCG as their chief component. HCG is often assumed to be a sex hormone of some kind just because comes from pregnant women. Dieters might start to ask themselves whether oral HCG drops might cause them to experience sexual or pregnancy-related side effects.

Not all hormones occurring during pregnancy have to do with sexual side effects. It can help to come to know what hormones really do. Folks might have been mistakenly thought that all hormones are sexually related. Would it surprise you to know that hormones are just chemical messengers? Hormones are like the handyman of your body. They can perform any number of jobs required by your body, including blood sugar levels, water retention, muscle growth—and directing the production of other hormones.

Of all the kinds of hormones, HCG does not belong in the sexual category at all. HCG is a peptide hormone, meaning it's built out of protein. The actual source of HCG is the developing embryo. It starts generating HCG immediately after it implants in the uterus. One of the things HCG does is allow the mother to produce another hormone called progesterone, which creates the network of blood vessels that deliver food to the developing baby. The fetus's early growth, and in fact its very survival, is directly linked to the production of HCG and progesterone. In other words, without HCG, it would be impossible for a woman to successfully complete a pregnancy.

Although HCG is critical to successful pregnancy, it has another function—it also helps overweight people lose weight, as discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons. He discovered that HCG mobilizes the body's stored fat deposits and moves it into the bloodstream. Although extreme morning sickness or undernourishment may reduce the amount of food the mother-to-be has available, the influx of fuel from stored fat reserves means the developing fetus will always have plenty to eat.

As you can easily see by now, this function of HCG isn't related to anything sexual. Whether you get HCG from being pregnant or from HCG drops, it works in the same manner, and it actually works the same for both men and women. So if you happen to be one of those who feels unsure about taking a "pregnancy hormone," you can rest assured that HCG drops are no such thing. The only thing HCG drops do is go into your body and release your stored fat deposits so they'll flood into your blood stream and make up for any deficit in calories.

09 December 2010

How to Buy Cheap HCG Drops

It can be hard to buy HCG drops cheap. You want to be frugal while preserving an appropriate balance between quality and cost.

How can you ensure you're getting the best deal possible? In addition to cost, there are three important factors to think about:

  1. Quality
  2. Customer service
  3. Guarantee

Let's go over these 3 factors in detail.


The first factor in buying HCG drops cheap is: make sure you're not buying them too cheap. HCG drops that have been made in somebody's backyard or obtained from an unknown non-U.S. laboratory can be sold for small change. Perhaps they even claim their product is better because they have added extra ingredients, they don't contain alcohol, or something else.

Nevertheless, it still comes down to quality.

The creation of HCG drops are required to follow current good practices. The production of HCG drops in the U.S. is governed by a document called the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Make sure the company you buy from affirms that they comply with this document. In addition, you need to check that their drops are manufactured at a facility that is registered with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

If you aren't sure of these things, don't give away your money.

Customer Service

If you're going to spend time and money to achieve the weight you desire, you need to make sure you will actually attain your goals. How many diets have you attempted trying to lose weight before? Give yourself the tools to attain your goal weight by making sure the person you buy HCG drops from has stellar customer support.

Make sure the company you decide on provides these important services. You'll need:

  1. A easy-to-find phone number you can use to get more information before making a purchase.
  2. Reliable, free customer service throughout your diet.
  3. A medical professional on staff in case you you need medically-related information.

Good customer service will give you the best chance to succeed at your weight loss goals. Don't give your money away. A little effort will ensure you get the support you want.


Finally, when you buy HCG drops, you're also getting a guarantee. A company must believe in their product. It's not good enough to spew out fake promises of how wonderfully the drops will supposedly work. Like any other business, HCG drops need to be supported by a warranty or guarantee.

Often, guarantees look great on the surface, but when you inspect them they're full of "gotcha's."

Here are some frequent conditions that make a guarantee practically worthless:

  • You have to send the product back in original packaging (this isn't a guarantee—it's simply a refund).
  • You are required to pay extra to return the drops (you've just thrown away your money).
  • You are forced to send them back before having a chance to see if the drops really work (7 days simply is not enough time).
  • You are required to provide proof that you stuck to the HCG diet protocol (pointless busywork to prevent you from submitting any returns).

A true guarantee will allow you to open the HCG drops and actually try them for at least thirty days without charging a penalty or interrogating you when you return them. If you settle for less, you're taking unnecessary risk with your money. But if the seller offers a reasonable guarantee, you risk nothing—you can easily get your money back. On top of that you have the peace of mind of purchasing from a company that really believes in their product—and their customer.

How to Buy HCG Drops Cheap

So, to really buy HCG drops cheap, you have to make sure you will be getting the following things:

  1. Quality HCG drops
  2. Excellent customer service
  3. A guarantee of satisfaction

That's all. Be smart!

02 December 2010

HCG Diet Drops - How They Can Attack the Right Type of Fat

Compared to HCG diet drops, many dieting methods possess one important flaw: they do not allow you to lose the right type of fat. Humans have 3 different kinds of fat tissue.

When the wrong type is lost, it will simply come back immediately. That's the big failing of many dieting methods.

The three kinds of fat are:

  1. Structural
  2. Reserve
  3. Abnormal

Each has a distinct use. Structural and reserve fat are always present in healthy people. They perform important bodily functions and your body tries to let you know if they are missing. On the other hand, abnormal fat simply gathers into misshapen lumps that get locked away from regular use.

Now we'll look at each type of fat in a little more detail.

Structural Fat

Structural fat is definitely the most crucial kind and has a great many purposes in human bodies:

  • Cushions the heel and other foot bones so you can walk without severe pain
  • Keeps the body's skin wrinkle-free and looking youthful
  • Cushions your kidneys by enveloping them in supportive material
  • Surrounds and cushions your organs and other internal body parts
  • Cushions and shields the coronary arteries

People will never notice structural fat, because it fits into the tiny places in our bodies, and it is an integral part of you. Structural fat can get consumed by malnutrition or repeated diets. When this happens you feel horrible and look worse.

Structural fat can be built back up to good amounts with the appropriate use of HCG diet drops while following the HCG diet plan—more specifically, the two "loading" days.

Reserve Fat

When your calorie intake drops, whether because of purposeful dieting or pure lack of food, your body actually turns to its reserve fat before anything else. Reserve fat is burned even before your structural fat. Fat is a wonderful energy resource because it contains more calories in a smaller space than other types of cells. That makes it your foremost choice when you need a quick refuel.

People trying to lose weight have often been dieting for months at a time, causing eternally low reserve fat. Since the human body can't use abnormal fat until reserve fat is gone, there's no energy source left. This results in frequent cravings for sweets if the stomach starts to feel somewhat empty.

If you have a good level of reserve fat, you won't even notice. Reserve fat is distributed evenly all around your body, so no one will ever see an out-of-place lump of fat on you.

HCG diet drops can improve reserve fat as long as the accompanying diet is followed as directed, with regard to the up-front "gorging" days on the HCG diet plan.

Abnormal Fat

Abnormal fat refers to the fixed bulges you acquire when obesity sets in—the pot belly, love handles, thunder thighs, double chin, etc. The human body begins storing fat there when the body has a malfunction in the part of the diencephalon that manages your metabolism and fat storage. Abnormal fat has no real bodily function unless you're starving and your structural and reserve fat have already been used up.

How HCG diet drops Burn Abnormal Fat

HCG diet drops zero in on the right kind of fat by mobilizing your body's fixed fat deposits. HCG diet drops do this by balancing the part of your hypothalamus that oversees how your body distributes its fat stores. This permits the body to mobilize its abnormal fat and channel it into the blood stream to be burned as fuel and nutrition, which then allows you to reduce your normal caloric intake with hardly any hunger. The abnormal fat disappears, and the body’s needed structural and reserve fat are left intact and are then free to be restored to their normal level.

For more information about HCG diet drops, visit HealthyHCG.com.